Booklets, brochures, pamphlets, and more

A large amount of printed matter was released in conjunction with Expo 67. Some of it was press and sales material released before the event opened, some of it was given out as souvenirs during the operating season in 1967, and more was issued later for the "Man and His World" days. Copies of many of them are provided below, with more coming as I can scan and upload them. If you have copies of items not listed here and would like to make them available on the site please let me know.

The most recent additions to the list are marked as NEW.

  • Australia at Expo 67
  • Bank of Commerce map of Expo 67
  • Bluenose II
  • Britain
  • Business visitors meet at the International Trade Center NEW
  • Canada Pavilion Schedule
  • Christian Pavilion
  • Commemorative stamp - French NEW
  • Explanation of Expo 67 logo
  • Expo 67 Facts No. 4
  • Get your "passport" to Visit "Man and His World" NEW
  • Great Ring of Canada, The
  • Hydro-Quebec
  • Hydro-Quebec card
  • If the world suddenly were to shrink (1969) NEW
  • Insight 67
  • Insight 67 - Schedule for April 30 to May 13
  • International Exhibition of Contemporary Sculpture
  • Learn more about Expo 67 NEW
  • Man and His World (1975) NEW
  • MS Victoria cruises NEW
  • Our Vanishing Wildlife (1975) NEW
  • Parker Tours NEW
  • Pavilion of Quebec Industries - Participants
  • Picture-Taking Guide to Expo 67
  • Plan now to take a world tour in 1967 NEW
  • Pre-Opening Booklet - US market
  • Promenade Pavilion (1977) NEW
  • Rendezvous in Canada
  • Save up to 33% on your visit to Expo NEW
  • Scout Expo Order Form
  • Soviet Pavilion NEW
  • Special Preview NEW
  • Travel Canada
  • A Unique Service for Business Visitors NEW
  • Victoria Autopark brochure
  • World Festival - Programme of Performing Arts and Activities
  • Youth Pavilion NEW