In this tropical redwood building, guitarists, dancers and a number of other performers entertain, and there is an exhibit of classical and contemporary Venezuelan art. The walls are decorated with photographic panels of Venezuelan scenes. Souvenirs are for sale, and leading businessmen are on hand to discuss commercial opportunities in the country.

Venezuela was one of the few international pavilions that did not offer meals or drinks. (CD #20 Set 105 #16)

Documents of the Liberator. Some of the most important manuscripts and belongings of Simón Bolivar, the South American liberator, are dramatically spotlighted in a dark room. In other side rooms are antique and modern jewelry.
Each year the pavilion celebrated Venezuelan Independence Day on July 5. The festivities included elaborate floral tributes to Simón Bolivar. (CD #TBD Set 420 #19)

Business Meetings. Officials from Venezuela's commercial world answer questions from American businessmen.
There were also displays to highlight the country's natural resources and inexpensive labor force. (CD #32 Set 164 #25)
Want more information on the Venezuela pavilion?
3-29-63 - Groundbreaking booklet
10-5-64 - Radio Station K2-YV
5-13-65 - Chilling Story Is Told At Venezuela Pavilion
5-22-65 - Venezuela to Honor Marie and Rolan Angel
Press Releases
WPR2 - May Cross Fiesta at Venezuelan Pavilion
WFPR5 - Venezuela to Celebrate Independence Day
WFPR6 - New Original Sculpture of Bolivar