This restaurant and exhibit area is roofed with air-filled plastic disks that look liked huge pillows. The history of brewing and the 200-year role of the Schaefer family is depicted inside, and a gallery of outstanding sports photographs is on display. The restaurant, offering American-style luncheons and dinners, is in a large wing that adjoins the exhibit building. In the center of the restaurant stands an illuminated fountain 12 feet tall; nearby are ornamental trees that at night appear to be filled with twinkling fireflies. Outside are a beer garden for 300 people and a curved bar, 100 feet long, which the exhibitors claim to be the largest in the world.

This beautiful view from the Better Living Center features the Schaefer Center in the foreground. (CD #26 Set 143 #31)

This shot of the restaurant shows one of the massive fountains in the center. (CD #6 Set 26 #1)

As nice as the restaurant may have been, the best thing about Schaefer was enjoying a cold beer, especially on one of the hot and humid days of a New York summer. If you were from New York at that time you probably have the Schaefer jingle running through your head right now. Here are the words in case you need a reminder! (CD #45 Set 206 #38)
is the
one beer to have
when you’re having more than one.
doesn’t fade even
when your thirst is done.
The most rewarding flavor
in this man’s world
for people who are having fun,
is the
one beer to have
when you’re having more than one!
Want more information on the Schaefer pavilion?
4-25-63 - Groundbreaking booklet