World's Fair Marina
One of the Fair's permanent installations, this 800-boat marina is one of the largest on the East Coast. It is the port of call for boatmen cruising to the Fair, and the terminal for commercial boat and hydrofoil lines from New York City and other nearby points. Scheduled for display is one of New York City's new jet-powered fireboats. Evinrude Motors maintains a mail port and message center for boatmen, and Johnson Motors offers information on boating facilities around the world. In one building is a display presented by the Olympic Committee of the International Yacht Racing Association. A restaurant overlooks the harbor. The marina also has a coffee shop.

Well-heeled visitors could arrive at the fair in style aboard their own boats or via several shuttle services. When the marina was first announced press releases said it would hold 1,000 boats, but when it finally opened it had been scaled back slightly to 865. Advance reservations were required for use of the facilities. A portion of the marina had actually been built for the 1939-1940 World's Fair and was upgraded for the 1964-1965 version. This is the administration building and restaurant. (CD #TBD Set 948 #026)

The marina is seen here from one of the sightseeing helicopters operating out of the Fair, with Laguardia Airport in the background. The marina is still in operation today. (CD#TBD Set 363 #009)
Want more information on the World's Fair Marina?
Pre-Fair Press Release
3-29-64 - There's Still Plenty of Room at Fair's Marina
3-31-64 - Y'Can't Tie Up at the Fair Without a Reservation