Women only are allowed in this exhibit: a round glass structure called the Clairol Color Carousel, which has 40 private booths on a slowly circling turntable. During a six-minute ride in one of the compartments, each visitor is given a complete hair-coloring analysis. Special devices on the Carousel's steps show the ladies how they would look in various hair shades and styles. In the moving booths, the visitor hears a recording of hair-coloring information and fills out a "personal information" card. The cards are fed into a computer which, on the basis of the information, suggests the most flattering hair shades for each woman.

There was often a long line of women waiting for their turn at Clairol. One wonders where the men spent their time waiting. (CD #18 Set 94 #25)

Perhaps they visited the neighboring pavilions. This view shows Clairol nestled between General Electric and Parker Pen. (CD #33 Set 173 #4)