Photos on CD #68
This CD is a collection of 108 photographs from the World's Fair. They have been professionally scanned at 4000 DPI and digitally restored, with a total size of 648 MB. Each of the original slides is listed below. You can see a thumbnail view of each set by clicking on the set name.
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Set 281 - 1965
Name Size
001 - New York State Pavilion - Tent of Tomorrow.jpg 5,092 kb
002 - Protestant and Orthodox Center - entrance.jpg 4,651 kb
003 - Masonic Center - side view.jpg 4,571 kb
004 - Fountains of the Continents.jpg 3,515 kb
005 - Masonic Center.jpg 4,344 kb
006 - Alaska Pavilion - Low Man on the Totem Pole.jpg 4,881 kb
007 - Alaska - Fish wheel.jpg 4,365 kb
008 - Avenue of the Americas from Swiss Sky Ride.jpg 5,079 kb
009 - Main Mall from Swiss Sky Ride.jpg 4,555 kb
010 - Unisphere from Swiss Sky Ride.jpg 4,197 kb
011 - Above Paris on Swiss Sky Ride.jpg 5,783 kb
012 - Republic of Guinea from Swiss Sky Ride.jpg 4,003 kb
013 - Court of Nations from New York State towers.jpg 5,117 kb
014 - Vatican Pavilion from New York State towers.jpg 4,194 kb
015 - Westinghouse, Alaska, Missouri from New York State towers.jpg 5,634 kb
016 - Avenue of United Nations from Swiss Sky Ride.jpg 4,597 kb
017 - Transportation Area from New York State towers.jpg 10 Mb
018 - New Amsterdam Plaza from New York State towers.jpg 8,865 kb
019 - New York City Building from New York State towers.jpg 7,293 kb
020 - New York City, New Jersey from New York State towers.jpg 7,549 kb
021 - International Area from New York State towers.jpg 7,386 kb
022 - International Area from New York State towers.jpg 9,560 kb
023 - Belgian Village from New York State towers.jpg 7,171 kb
024 - International Area from New York State towers.jpg 8,153 kb
025 - Lake Amusement Area from New York State towers.jpg 7,780 kb
026 - Transportation Area from New York State towers.jpg 8,503 kb
027 - Wisconsin - entrance to World's Largest Cheese display.jpg 11 Mb
028 - Greyhound Glide-a-ride passing Brass Rail.jpg 4,837 kb
029 - Tower of London - Crown Jewels.jpg 9,946 kb
030 - Tower of London - Crown Jewels.jpg 12 Mb
031 - Tower of London - Crown Jewels.jpg 8,946 kb
032 - Fountains of the Fairs.jpg 6,383 kb
033 - Mormon Pavilion at dusk.jpg 6,815 kb
034 - Mormon Pavilion courtyard at dusk.jpg 11 Mb
Set 282 - 1965
001 - Outside the Ford Pavilion.jpg 4,494 kb
002 - Hall of Science from Underground World Home.jpg 5,336 kb
003 - Chrysler - ramp for turbine car.jpg 5,030 kb
004 - Chrysler - Giant Car.jpg 4,738 kb
005 - Lowenbrau Gardens from Chrysler.jpg 5,777 kb
006 - Transportation & Travel from Chrysler.jpg 6,323 kb
007 - Forms in Transit, US Royal Giant Tire, SKF, Chrysler.jpg 5,756 kb
008 - Avenue of the United Nations from General Motors.jpg 5,793 kb
009 - Plants near General Motors.jpg 5,516 kb
010 - Philippines, Greece, Swiss Sky Ride.jpg 8,802 kb
011 - Flowers near Africa Pavilion.jpg 6,481 kb
012 - Unisphere and fountains.jpg 6,376 kb
013 - Republic of China.jpg 5,663 kb
014 - Philippines.jpg 5,515 kb
015 - Republic of China - entrance.jpg 5,561 kb
016 - Crowd outside Thailand Pavilion.jpg 5,923 kb
017 - Crowd outside Thailand Restaurant.jpg 9,730 kb
018 - Crowd entering Thailand Pavilion.jpg 5,396 kb
019 - Korea Pavilion - entrance.jpg 5,249 kb
020 - Woman outside Hong Kong Pavilion.jpg 5,397 kb
021 - The Rocket Thrower.jpg 5,301 kb
022 - General Electric from Tower of Light.jpg 7,785 kb
023 - Belgian Village.jpg 5,929 kb
024 - Belgian Village.jpg 5,666 kb
025 - Belgian Village - Flemish Art Museum.jpg 5,825 kb
026 - Belgian Village - Carousel.jpg 6,380 kb
027 - Belgian Village.jpg 5,546 kb
028 - Belgian Village.jpg 5,813 kb
029 - Belgian Village.jpg 5,966 kb
030 - Belgian Village.jpg 4,117 kb
031 - Belgian Village.jpg 4,474 kb
032 - Santa Maria.jpg 5,180 kb
033 - Florida - flamingos.jpg 7,480 kb
034 - Hawaii - signs for steak restaurant.jpg 4,527 kb
Set 283 - May 1964
001 - Woman in tulips on Court of the President.jpg 6,440 kb
002 - Republic of China and Swiss Sky Ride.jpg 5,651 kb
003 - Republic of China - arch.jpg 5,464 kb
004 - Republic of China and Swiss Sky Ride.jpg 5,295 kb
005 - Fountains at the Unisphere.jpg 8,021 kb
006 - Court of States and United States Pavilion.jpg 3,892 kb
007 - Tulips on Court of States.jpg 6,334 kb
008 - New York State Tent of Tomorrow & Theaterama.jpg 7,073 kb
009 - Crowd near General Motors facade.jpg 5,039 kb
010 - Woman picking tulip.jpg 4,420 kb
011 - House of Japan - dusk.jpg 4,497 kb
012 - Japan - Japanese Garden - dusk.jpg 4,984 kb
013 - Japan - tea ceremony sign.jpg 4,490 kb
014 - Jordan - night.jpg 6,280 kb
015 - Sierra Leone - fountain at night.jpg 8,371 kb
016 - Fountains at Unisphere - night.jpg 4,496 kb
017 - Fountains at Unisphere - night.jpg 4,566 kb
018 - Fireworks at Fountain of the Planets.jpg 5,717 kb
019 - Fountain of the Planets - night.jpg 6,728 kb
Set 284 - September 1965
001 - Abandoned cars on highway offramp.jpg 5,173 kb
002 - Shea Stadium from subway station ramp.jpg 4,817 kb
003 - Minnesota - Big Ole.jpg 4,747 kb
004 - New York State from Astral Fountain.jpg 5,351 kb
005 - Unisphere.jpg 4,855 kb
006 - New York State - Indian dancers.jpg 6,502 kb
007 - Japan Pavilion - large drum.jpg 5,976 kb
008 - Court of the Sun towards Japan Pavilion.jpg 7,393 kb
009 - Fountain of the Planets.jpg 5,102 kb
010 - IBM Pavilion.jpg 4,533 kb
011 - Montana Pavilion - deer.jpg 8,419 kb
012 - Montana Pavilion - deer.jpg 8,548 kb
013 - United States Pavilion.jpg 5,995 kb
014 - Singer Bowl and Berlin from United States.jpg 5,261 kb
015 - Court of States from United States Pavilion.jpg 5,987 kb
016 - Hollywood from United States Pavilion.jpg 4,997 kb
017 - Hollywood from United States Pavilion.jpg 5,671 kb
018 - Thailand Pavilion.jpg 5,418 kb
019 - Thailand - women at doors.jpg 7,947 kb
020 - Republic of China.jpg 6,417 kb
021 - Unisphere - Africa.jpg 5,222 kb