Fairground rides for all ages are combined with an aquarium and with restaurants that offer entertainment. Inside this colorful structure are half a dozen rides specially scaled down for youngsters. Outside are other, larger rides that include the "Wild Mouse," a roller coaster and "Scooter" bumper cars.

Set on the grounds of the former Texas Pavilions, Carnival replaced that failed venture for the 1965 season. The theater area once used for "To Broadway With Love" was gutted and the area turned into an indoor amusement park. A discotheque proved to be popular in the evening hours, and several outdoor rides dotted the grounds. The Frontier Palace restaurant was the only holdover from 1964. The entrance to the "Wild Mouse," one of the rides added in 1965, can be spotted just to the left of the Frontier Palace. (CD #57 Set 240 #10)

Many of the Carnival atractions would have looked more at home at a State Fair than on the futuristic Fair grounds, but some proved to be surprisingly popular. The Lake Amusement Area was favorite hangout of teenagers in the evenings when the main pavilions were closed but the amusement rides were operating. Some even took time out for some fun during the day, as in this June 1965 of one of the exhibits. (CD #TBD Set 1223)