The industry, cultural heritage and future of Germany's free world outpost are the themes of this privately sponsored pavilion. The round building is surrounded by a free-flowing blue awning and has a tent like roof of flexible plastic. A showcase inside displays samples of products made in West Berlin, and a short film illustrates the technological productivity of the city. There are Berliners who have won renown in many fields, and the work of current artists and sculptors is on display. A cartoon film shows West Berliners going about their daily chores. Maps with special lighting effects show the Berlin of the future.

The 1964-1965 New York World's Fair had a major problem in attracting in foreign participation as the event was not recognized by the BIEE, the organization that sanctions official world fairs. When the government of West Germany decided not to go against the wishes of the BIEE, private companies stepped in to fill the gap. (CD #23 Set 123 #18)

Very few government leaders paid official visits to the Fair in fear of antagonizing the BIEE. Future West German Chancellor Willy Brandt, then the mayor of West Berlin, received a VIP welcome when he toured the Fair. He is seen here at the Fair's Atomedic Hospital. (CD #23 Set 123 #18)