Photos on CD #12

Over the years since Disneyland first opened there have been many changes to the Park, with periodic replacement of rides, shows and buildings. This CD features a collection of photos taken in 1964 by a staff member at the Kodak sponsored Camera Shop on Main Street. There are some interesting shots of Main Street before opening, views of vanished attractions like the submarines and Skyway, views of the Park at night and more. There are also numerous shots of hostesses on Main Street and inside several of the shops.

There are 82 pictures for a total of 214 MB. The original prints have been professionally scanned at 2400 DPI and have been color corrected, with dust and scratches removed. Additional cleaning was done as needed to produce some bright images of days long gone.

Terms of the sale: These photos are offered for your personal use only and cannot be resold, redistributed or used online in any fashion without prior written permission. They are copyrighted images and I retain the copyright. If you have any questions on this please let me know before buying.

$10 plus postage
I accept checks, money orders or credit cards through PayPal. Click the button below to use PayPal or click here for an order form.





Here's a list of the subjects included on the CD:

Set 65 - 1964 - prints\Color

Name                                                                        Size
001 - Mark Twain at dock.jpg                                            3,097 kb
002 - Columbia leaving dock.jpg                                         2,387 kb
003 - Columbia - bow view.jpg                                           2,240 kb
004 - Columbia - stern view.jpg                                         2,404 kb
005 - Columbia approaching dock.jpg                                     3,652 kb
006 - Mark Twain approaching dock.jpg                                   2,403 kb
007 - Mark Twain approaching dock.jpg                                   2,462 kb
008 - Mark Twain approaching dock.jpg                                   2,264 kb
009 - Mark Twain passing Tom Sawyer Island.jpg                          2,920 kb
010 - Passengers on Mark Twain.jpg                                      3,109 kb
011 - Skyway and Matterhorn.jpg                                         2,330 kb
012 - Matterhorn bobsled splashing down.jpg                             2,378 kb
013 - Haunted Mansion.jpg                                               2,712 kb
014 - Submarine, monorail and Skyway.jpg                                2,275 kb
015 - Monorail and submarines.jpg                                       2,878 kb
016 - Submarine Ethan Allen.jpg                                         2,680 kb
017 - Monorail Blue over lagon.jpg                                      2,433 kb
018 - Fantasyland, Skyway and Matterhorn.jpg                            2,390 kb
019 - Matterhorn from the Hub.jpg                                       2,484 kb
020 - Sleeping Beauty Castle and Matterhorn.jpg                         2,581 kb
021 - Tomorrowland entrance.jpg                                         3,613 kb
022 - Monorail Yellow and Skyway.jpg                                    4,127 kb
023 - Submarine Ethan Allen.jpg                                         3,616 kb
024 - Monorail in Tomorrowland.jpg                                      4,255 kb
025 - Sleeping Beauty Castle from Hub.jpg                               3,488 kb
026 - Streetcar at Town Square.jpg                                      3,604 kb
027 - Swift Market House - dusk.jpg                                     3,996 kb
028 - Main Street - dusk.jpg                                            3,457 kb
029 - Plaza Pavilion - night.jpg                                        2,568 kb
030- Sleeping Beauty Castle - night.jpg                                 2,974 kb
031 - Matterhorn and Hub - night.jpg                                    2,916 kb
032 - Main Street - night.jpg                                           2,336 kb
033 - Mark Twain - night.jpg                                            4,456 kb
034 - Mark Twain from Treehouse - night.jpg                             3,864 kb
035 - Sleeping Beauty Castle - night.jpg                                5,942 kb
036 - Castle and Matterhorn - night.jpg                                 3,094 kb
037 - Tomorrowland entrance - night.jpg                                 2,767 kb
038 - Skull Rock - night.jpg                                            4,216 kb
039 - Coke Corner hostess - night.jpg                                   3,508 kb
040 - Hostess outside camera store.jpg                                  3,663 kb
041 - Hostess on Main Street.jpg                                        3,583 kb
042 - Coke Corner hostess sitting on counter.jpg                        4,428 kb
043 - Coke Corner hostess.jpg                                           3,983 kb
044 - Hostess at gift wrap area.jpg                                     4,160 kb
045 - Tour Guide outside Emporium.jpg                                   3,486 kb
046 - Kodak counter area.jpg                                            4,004 kb
047 - Singers in Coke Corner.jpg                                        2,850 kb
048 - Kodak hostesses.jpg                                               2,339 kb
049 - Kodak - gag picture.jpg                                           2,325 kb
050 - Kodak - staff shot.jpg                                            2,585 kb
051 - Kodak - staff shot.jpg                                            2,729 kb
052 - Kodak - staff shot.jpg                                            2,317 kb

Set 65 - 1964 - prints\Main Street - B&W
001 - Swift Market House.jpg                                            1,996 kb
002 - Towards train station.jpg                                         1,968 kb
003 - Silhouette Studio.jpg                                             2,081 kb
004 - Sunkist & Penny Arcade.jpg                                        2,449 kb
005 - Hallmark.jpg                                                      2,279 kb
006 - Carnation.jpg                                                     2,445 kb
007 - Upjohn Pharmacy.jpg                                               2,408 kb
008 - Crystal Arcade.jpg                                                2,701 kb
009 - Main Street Cinema.jpg                                            2,028 kb
010 - Carnation delivery wagon.jpg                                      1,785 kb
011 - Hostesses on Main Street.jpg                                      1,792 kb
012 - Hostesses on Main Street.jpg                                      1,834 kb
013 - Hostesses on Main Street.jpg                                      1,670 kb
014 - Hostesses on Main Street.jpg                                      1,227 kb
015 - Hostesses on Main Street.jpg                                      1,753 kb
016 - Hostess on Main Street.jpg                                        1,637 kb
017 - Hostesses on Main Street.jpg                                      1,709 kb
018 - Hostess on Main Street.jpg                                        1,642 kb
019 - Hostess on Main Street.jpg                                        1,760 kb
020 - Hostess on Main Street.jpg                                        1,679 kb
021 - Hostess on Main Street.jpg                                        1,485 kb
022 - Hostesses on Main Street.jpg                                      1,512 kb
023 - Sanitation wagon.jpg                                              1,572 kb
024 - Tour Guide.jpg                                                    1,688 kb
025 - Street cars passing.jpg                                           1,792 kb
026 - Hostess on Main Street.jpg                                        1,670 kb
027 - Kodak - interior.jpg                                              1,900 kb
028 - Kodak - interior.jpg                                              1,504 kb
029 - Kodak - interior.jpg                                              1,447 kb
030 - Kodak - interior.jpg                                              1,642 kb