Vatican Pavilion Slides

Photo Lab issued several sets of slides that were sold only at the Vatican Pavilion gift shop. They were packaged four to a plastic sleeve. The first two sets were large format images like their Super Scenic series, with the rest being standard 35mm images. For some reason there are two different slides numbered E-3.

A-1 - Face of the Blessed Virgin
A-2 - Creation from the Book of Genesis
A-3 - Parables of Our Lord by LaLiberte
A-4 - The Pavilion Chapel
B-1 - Michelangelo's Pieta
B-2 - Colorful Liturgical Banners
B-3 - Doctors of the Church
B-4 - The Good Shepherd
C-1 - The Pieta
C-2 - Mosaic of the Hand of God
C-3 - The Annunciation
C-4 - Creches from Many Lands
D-1 - The Pieta
D-2 - Triptych by Jacques Duval
D-3 - Montages of the Parables by LaLiberte
D-4 - Close-up of Liturgical Banner
E-1 - Michelangelo's Pieta
E-2 - Altar in Chapel of the Good Shepherd
E-3 - Chapel of the Good Shepherd
E-3 - Tiara of Pope Paul VI
E-4 - 3rd Century Statue of Christ
F-1 - Main Facade of the Pavilion
F-2 - Bas-Relief of Communion of the Saints
F-3 - Colorful Vatican Pavilion Guards
F-4 - Night View of Cross Crowning the Pavilion