The brewers of Löwenbräu, a Bavarian beer, have reconstructed an open-air Bavarian-style restaurant set in a village square. The square is surrounded by five buildings, including a bell tower and gate. Three of the other buildings are service areas for the restaurant and the fourth is a tourist information center. Every now and again Löwenbräu's brewery wagon, drawn by four massive horses, pulls into the square to deliver more beer.

The Löwenbräu Gardens was a pleasant oasis of calm in the midst of all of the excitement and noise of the Fair. The entrance area, with its colorful flags and streamers of traditional Bavarian colors, was a natural choice for one of Kodak's "Picture Spots". (CD #14 Set 67 #27)

The main portion of the pavilion was a recreated Bavarian beer garden. The area was especially popular on hot days, with lines of visitors waiting to buy a large stein of cold beer. (CD #1 Set 6 #2)

There was also plenty of German food to try, the most popular being large plates of sausages and sauerkraut. (CD #1 Set 6 #3)

Guests could also visit a colorfully costumed team of horses that were used to pull a beer wagon across the parade grounds. The horses were among the thousands of items auctioned off when the Fair ended. (CD #25 Set 133 #3)
Want more information on the Löwenbräu pavilion?
6-29-64 - New York Daily News: Lo and Behold
10-16-65 - Long Island Daily Press: Bring on Your Beer Barrels!