Photos on CD #33

CD #33 label

This CD is a collection of 112 photographs from the World's Fair. They have been professionally scanned and digitally restored, with a total size of 511 MB. Each of the original slides is listed below. You can see a thumbnail view of each set by clicking on the set name.

The CD is $10. There is a flat fee of $10.20 for Priority Mail shipping, no matter how many CDs you order. Please note all prices are listed in US dollars. Shipping to other countries will be via Air Mail and may be higher in cost - please contact me for details.

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Set 169 - 1965

Name                                                                        Size

001 - Fairgrounds from subway.jpg                                       4,009 kb
002 - Montana - elk.jpg                                                 3,157 kb
003 - Hollywood Pavilion - entrance.jpg                                 2,690 kb
004 - Hollywood Pavilion - comic car.jpg                                3,083 kb
005 - Hollywood Pavilion - Gunsmoke street.jpg                          3,254 kb
006 - Hollywood Pavilion - bar fight.jpg                                3,152 kb
007 - Ireland - glassware in store window.jpg                           8,209 kb
008 - Ireland - glassware in store window.jpg                           8,234 kb
009 - Boy on Avenue of Commerce.jpg                                     3,717 kb
010 - Crowd outside General Electric.jpg                                4,768 kb
011 - Waiting area for Small World.jpg                                  3,262 kb
012 - Equitable Life Pavilion.jpg                                       3,589 kb
013 - Equitable Life Pavilion.jpg                                       4,531 kb
014 - IBM People Wall.jpg                                               4,224 kb
015 - Simmons Rest Alcoves.jpg                                          4,282 kb
016 - Baby asleep in stroller.jpg                                       3,130 kb
017 - Avenue of Discovery.jpg                                           5,063 kb
018 - Solar Fountain being cleaned.jpg                                  4,348 kb
019 - Court of the Sun - ruined flower bed.jpg                          6,182 kb
020 - Elsie the Cow - Better Living Center.jpg                          8,040 kb
021 - Kodak.jpg                                                         4,150 kb
022 - Kodak - Title slide.jpg                                           4,619 kb
023 - Kodak - spires of moon roof.jpg                                   2,984 kb
024 - Garden of Meditation & Belgium Village.jpg                        4,106 kb
025 - Lithuanian Wayside Shrine.jpg                                     4,330 kb
026 - Belgium Village towards bell tower.jpg                            3,579 kb
027 - Belgium Village - Rathskellar.jpg                                 3,636 kb
028 - Flowers on Court of the Sun.jpg                                   5,213 kb
029 - Close-up of flowers.jpg                                           6,450 kb
030 - Mexico - aerial performers.jpg                                    5,156 kb
031 - Mexico - aerial performers.jpg                                    3,607 kb
032 - Ireland.jpg                                                       5,151 kb
033 - Hollywood USA - King and I set.jpg                                4,213 kb
034 - General Motors - milk trucks.jpg                                  4,683 kb
035 - Chrysler - maze game.jpg                                          3,497 kb
036 - Lunar Fountain - night.jpg                                        4,969 kb
037 - Thailand - night.jpg                                              4,272 kb
038 - Hong Kong - night.jpg                                             5,820 kb
039 - UAR - light at entrance - night.jpg                               6,333 kb
040 - Kodak - night.jpg                                                 4,175 kb
041 - Kodak - night.jpg                                                 4,114 kb
042 - Unisphere - night.jpg                                             8,704 kb

Set 170 - Demolition - 1966
001 - Boy looking at Hawaii Pavilion ruins.jpg                          5,102 kb
002 - Hawaii Pavilion ruins.jpg                                         4,732 kb
003 - From Lawrence Gate towards Protestant and Orthodox Pavilion.jpg   4,124 kb
004 - Towards Pavilion of American Interiors.jpg                        5,654 kb
005 - Towards UAR, Unisphere and Port Authority.jpg                     5,167 kb
006 - Towards Pavilion of American Interiors.jpg                        4,395 kb
007 - Better Living Center ruins.jpg                                    4,502 kb
008 - Warning sign.jpg                                                  5,708 kb
009 - Near Henry Hudson Gate towards New York State.jpg                 6,602 kb
010 - Travel and Transportation Pavilion still standing.jpg             6,885 kb
011 - US Space Park.jpg                                                 6,949 kb
012 - Space Park, Hall of Science, Century Grill.jpg                    4,164 kb

Set 171 - Fair grounds in 1967

001 - Former site of Transportation Area.jpg                            4,888 kb
002 - Former site of Transportation Area.jpg                            3,239 kb
003 - Unisphere.jpg                                                     4,478 kb
004 - Fountain outside New York City Building.jpg                       3,685 kb
005 - Armillary Sphere.jpg                                              4,766 kb
006 - Former site of Transportation Area.jpg                            2,918 kb
007 - New York City Building from Transportation Area.jpg               3,209 kb
008 - Forms in Transit sculpture.jpg                                    3,065 kb
009 - Saturn V Boat Tail.jpg                                            2,988 kb
010 - United States Space Park.jpg                                      3,744 kb

Set 172 - June 1965

001 - Woman on deck of Santa Maria.jpg                                  6,361 kb
002 - Rigging and mast on Santa Maria.jpg                               3,505 kb
003 - Close-up of Santa Maria.jpg                                       2,543 kb
004 - Vatican Pavilion - entrance area.jpg                              3,535 kb
005 - Astral Fountain and New York State from Vatican.jpg               3,387 kb
006 - Vatican Pavilion - entrance area.jpg                              2,786 kb
007 - Belgian Village - moms with strollers.jpg                         3,637 kb
008 - Belgian Village - bell tower.jpg                                  3,431 kb
009 - New York State - performers in tent.jpg                           6,936 kb
010 - Unisphere.jpg                                                     3,900 kb
011 - North from Kodak roof.jpg                                         4,922 kb
012 - Small World from Kodak roof.jpg                                   8,157 kb
013 - Small World from Kodak roof.jpg                                   6,335 kb
014 - The Rocket Thrower and main mall.jpg                              6,835 kb
015 - Unisphere and Fountains of the Fairs - dusk.jpg                   6,932 kb
016 - Republic of China.jpg                                             3,275 kb
017 - China and Mexico - dusk.jpg                                       9,363 kb
018 - View from China balcony - dusk.jpg                                9,562 kb
019 - View from China balcony - dusk.jpg                                6,521 kb
020 - View from China balcony - dusk.jpg                                8,729 kb
021 - New York City Building - dusk.jpg                                 8,681 kb
022 - Fireworks over Fair (blurry).jpg                                  2,460 kb
023 - Transportation Area - night (blurry).jpg                          2,972 kb
024 - Chrylser - night (blurry).jpg                                     2,320 kb
025 - Group in front of Vatican Pavilion.jpg                            5,680 kb
026 - Pakistan Pavilion.jpg                                             4,154 kb
027 - Pakistan Pavilion.jpg                                             3,815 kb
028 - Unisphere from Republic of China.jpg                              6,716 kb
029 - Churchill exhibit - entrance.jpg                                  7,585 kb
030 - Flower bed at dusk.jpg                                            7,668 kb
031 - Mormon Pavilion.jpg                                               2,573 kb
032 - Festival of Gas.jpg                                               2,470 kb
033 - Fountain of the Planets.jpg                                       3,049 kb
034 - Fountain of the Planets - night.jpg                               1,114 kb
035 - Fountain of the Planets - night.jpg                               2,681 kb

Set 173 - Sept 15, 1964

001 - General Electric & Continental Insurance.jpg                      4,486 kb
002 - Line for General Electric from Better Living Center.jpg           4,500 kb
003 - Schaefer Center.jpg                                               5,353 kb
004 - Clairol and Chunky Square.jpg                                     4,267 kb
005 - Bell System and Fountain of the Planets.jpg                       3,588 kb
006 - Sweden Pavilion.jpg                                               4,444 kb
007 - Court of Nations towards Unisphere.jpg                            3,964 kb
008 - Mustang in front of Ford Pavilion.jpg                             3,878 kb
009 - Avenue of the United Nations.jpg                                  2,902 kb
010 - Unisphere - late afternoon.jpg                                    4,243 kb
011 - Thailand Pavilion.jpg                                             4,503 kb
012 - Night view towards Fountain of the Planets.jpg                    2,194 kb
013 - Night view from Better Living Center.jpg                          2,905 kb