Photos on CD #20

CD #20 label

This CD is a collection of images from the 1962 Seattle World's Fair. The original color slides have been professionally scanned at 4000 DPI and have been color corrected, with dust and scratches removed. There are 103 photos for a total of 436 MB. You can see a thumbnail view of each set by clicking on the set name. A new window will open - just close it when you're ready to return to this page.

The CD is $10. There is a flat fee of $10.20 for Priority Mail shipping, no matter how many discs you order. Please note all prices are listed in US dollars. Shipping to other countries will be via Air Mail and may be higher in cost - please contact me for details.

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Set 54 - August 1962

Name                                                                        Size

001 - Water Ski show - boaat dock.jpg                                   4,145 kb
002 - Century 21 Band approaching camera.jpg                            3,848 kb
003 - Boulevards of the World.jpg                                       3,408 kb
004 - Fiesta Restaurant.jpg                                             5,026 kb
005 - Fountain of the Northwest at Fine Arts Pavilion.jpg               4,003 kb
006 - Belgian Waffles restaurant.jpg                                    3,682 kb
007 - Science Center - arches.jpg                                       3,644 kb
008 - Science Center arches and Space Needle.jpg                        3,678 kb
009 - Science Center - courtyard.jpg                                    2,477 kb
010 - Science Center arches and Space Needle.jpg                        2,748 kb
011 - American Gas Association Pavilion - gas clock.jpg                 2,300 kb
012 - Canadian Pacific and Coliseum.jpg                                 3,015 kb
013 - NAME NEEDED.jpg                                                   3,535 kb
014 - Seattle and Puget Sound from Space Needle.jpg                     3,002 kb
015 - Seattle from Space Needle.jpg                                     4,355 kb
016 - Alaska Pavilion.jpg                                               2,956 kb
017 - NAME NEEDED.jpg                                                   2,591 kb
018 - Pavilion of Electric Power.jpg                                    2,325 kb
019 - NAME NEEDED.jpg                                                   3,085 kb
020 - Standard Oil Company of California.jpg                            2,272 kb
021 - Space Needle and Bell System.jpg                                  2,138 kb
022 - Horiuchi Mural.jpg                                                2,797 kb

22 files, 69 Mb

Set 55

001 - Thailand Pavilion - entrance.jpg                                  3,698 kb
002 - Space Needle and monorail beam outside site.jpg                   3,216 kb
003 - Space Needle and Monorail from Lenora Street.jpg                  3,942 kb
004 - Science Center - courtyard.jpg                                    4,702 kb
005 - Standard Oil Company of California.jpg                            3,730 kb
006 - Union 76 Skyride station.jpg                                      3,645 kb
007 - Gayway from Skyride.jpg                                           3,226 kb
008 - Philippines - entrance.jpg                                        3,474 kb
009 - Science Center Courtyard and Space Needle.jpg                     3,794 kb

9 files, 32 Mb

Set 57 - July 1962

001 - National Bank of Commerce.jpg                                     5,050 kb
002 - Pavilion of Electric Power - relief map of Washington.jpg         3,985 kb
003 - Pavilion of Electric Power - waterfall.jpg                        3,165 kb
004 - Food Circus - Paul Bunyan's Birthday Cake.jpg                     5,816 kb
005 - Food Circus - interior (dark).jpg                                 5,084 kb
006 - Food Circus - interior (dark).jpg                                 6,242 kb
007 - Allium flowers and Horiuchi Mural.jpg                             5,256 kb
008 - Allium flowers and Horiuchi Mural.jpg                             5,201 kb
009 - Allium flower.jpg                                                 4,330 kb
010 - United States Science Center - courtyard.jpg                      4,217 kb
011 - United States Science Center - courtyard.jpg                      4,851 kb
012 - Flowering tree.jpg                                                4,319 kb
013 - Great Britain - Queen Elizabeth exhibit (dark).jpg                3,880 kb
014 - View from front Monorail car on way to the fair.jpg               3,509 kb
015 - View from front Monorail car on way to the fair.jpg               3,323 kb
016 - Water ski show.jpg                                                3,598 kb
017 - Water ski show.jpg                                                3,437 kb
018 - Science Center arches.jpg                                         3,480 kb
019 - SS Acapulco from Space Needle (dark).jpg                          4,257 kb
020 - Firebird concept car (dark).jpg                                   4,079 kb
021 - Firebird concept car (dark).jpg                                   5,511 kb
022 - Space Needle from Denmark pavilion.jpg                            6,022 kb
023 - Woman at pay phone.jpg                                            4,165 kb
024 - International Fountain.jpg                                        4,500 kb
025 - Coliseum and International Fountain.jpg                           4,536 kb
026 - Velare Giant Wheel - front view.jpg                               3,258 kb
027 - Calypso ride.jpg                                                  4,675 kb

27 files, 117 Mb

Set 58 - Construction

001 - International Area roof under construction.jpg                    3,155 kb
002 - Hall of Industry.jpg                                              4,721 kb
003 - Coliseum.jpg                                                      4,003 kb

3 files, 11 Mb

Set 59

001 - International Mall near Korea.jpg                                 2,692 kb
002 - Berlin exhibit.jpg                                                1,762 kb
003 - Berlin exhibit.jpg                                                2,102 kb
004 - Du Pen Fountain.jpg                                               4,224 kb
005 - Century 21 Band.jpg                                               3,890 kb
006 - Fairliner tram.jpg                                                3,230 kb
007 - Fairliner ticket booth.jpg                                        3,928 kb
008 - United States Science Center - courtyard.jpg                      3,554 kb
009 - Cessna helicopter over Safeco information pavilion.jpg            3,003 kb
010 - United States Science Center - courtyard.jpg                      3,152 kb

10 files, 30 Mb

Set 60 - October 1962

001 - Science Center - courtyard and arches.jpg                         3,992 kb
002 - Marching band dressed like Beefeaters.jpg                         3,441 kb
003 - Philippines - lanterns.jpg                                        3,763 kb
004 - Fountain of the Northwest.jpg                                     3,482 kb
005 - Water ski show.jpg                                                3,381 kb
006 - Water ski show.jpg                                                3,430 kb

6 files, 21 Mb

Set 61 - 1968

001 - Carnival rides.jpg                                                3,313 kb
002 - Stadium from Space Needle.jpg                                     3,159 kb
003 - Science Center from Space Needle.jpg                              2,366 kb
004 - Domestic Industry and Commerce area from Space Needle.jpg         3,450 kb

4 files, 12 Mb

Set 62 - August 1962

001 - Water ski show.jpg                                                3,967 kb
002 - Water ski show.jpg                                                3,440 kb
003 - Water ski show.jpg                                                3,172 kb
004 - Water ski show.jpg                                                3,403 kb
005 - Water ski show.jpg                                                3,266 kb
006 - International Fountain.jpg                                        3,753 kb
007 - Science Center - entrance steps.jpg                               4,103 kb
008 - Science Center - walkways and fountain.jpg                        3,563 kb
009 - Century 21 Band passing Bell System.jpg                           4,542 kb
010 - Pavilion of Electric Power - relief map.jpg                       3,452 kb
011 - Water ski show - Quick Draw McGraw.jpg                            3,624 kb

11 files, 39 Mb

Set 63 - Closing Day - October 21, 1962

01 - Closing ceremony in arena - night (blurry).jpg                    9,206 kb
002 - Food Circus - looking down at Paul Bunyan Birthday Cake.jpg       2,589 kb
003 - Band before Closing ceremony.jpg                                  7,217 kb
004 - Century 21 Coliseum.jpg                                           6,623 kb
005 - Closing ceremony (blurry).jpg                                        11 Mb
006 - Looking up at Space Needle.jpg                                    5,682 kb
007 - Bands gathering for closing ceremony.jpg                             13 Mb
008 - Dedication of US Science Exhibit.jpg                              8,083 kb
009 - State Flag Plaza, Space Needle, Cessna helicopter.jpg                11 Mb
010 - Ground fireworks displays.jpg                                         9 Mb
011 - Closing day crowd.jpg                                             9,423 kb

11 files, 95 Mb