(This is a temporary page while this section of the site is being developed.)

Photos on CD - images currently available from Expo '74

My book on Expo '74 was released on February 13, 2017. Click on the cover for details.

1973 advertising poster

Automobile Association of America brochure

Commemorative book

Concession Application (1972)

Entertainment schedules

Estimated Construction (1972)

Excerpt From the Exp '74 Environmental Impact Report

Expo 74 Club invitation and application

Expo Action (City engineering report of 2/15/72)

Fact & Information Sheets

Ford press releases

Graphic Design Standards

Information Kit holder (1972)

Kodak Press Releases

Large map - look for the spelling mistake!

List of participants

Magazine articles

News & Press Releases


Publicity material

Spokane Daily Chronicle

United States Pavilion

USSR Pavilion - booklets

USSR Pavilion - News & Views from the Soviet Section

White House Proclamation (2/1/72)

World Festival of Entertainment