UCC Coffee
“Good Day! Nice Friends!”
Coffee, a product of nature blended with strong additions of human history and culture, is loved by people all over the world and has become a part of our everyday lives. The custom of drinking coffee when meeting and relaxing is one that binds the people of the world together – a true aid to human communication. The UCC Coffee Pavilion deals with man’s attitudes to coffee, the history of coffee, its present use, and its future.
LITTLE-KNOWN FACTS ABOUT MAN AND COFFEE The provocative displays in the pavilion, dealing with mysteries of man and coffee, are based on the witty ideas of Shigeo Fukuda. Be sure to take time out to visit the Man and Coffee corner, and the Coffeetopia commemorative monument.
The Man and Coffee corner covers everything from the origins of coffee to its use in outer space. One of the most memorable graphic displays concerns Apollo 13, which had to return to earth unexpectedly because of an oxygen-tank explosion. Amid the anxiety of this life-threatening situation, the astronauts received a reassuring message that included the words "..also, we'd figured out a way to get a hot cup of coffee up to you."
Replicas of space suits and samples of the type of coffee used by astronauts in flight are also on display.
The monument in the patio symbolizes gratitude to the sun, to nature, and to friendship. One side of the monument is a representation of the world seen against the background of the heavenly bodies, and the other shows a coffee tree nurtured by the heavens and the earth.
There are numerous other displays on coffee in the UCC Coffee Pavilion, and games you can take part in may be found in the game corner.
INTERNATIONAL ENTERTAINMENT DAILY AT THE EVENT SQUARE Musicians from coffee-producing countries—including Mexico, Cuba, and Brazil—will entertain you with their sparkling music in the outdoor theater.
Ten UCC Girls International will present a communications musical daily.
There will also be joint concerts once a month by musicians from Japan and overseas.
AND FINALLY, RELAX WITH A CUP OF DELICIOUS COFFEE After taking in the displays and entertainment, why not finish up with a cup of delicious coffee? Stop in at the pavilion's own Café Plaza, where coffees from all corners of the globe are offered and where a special commemorative blend is being featured. And don't miss the souvenir shop where you can find all kinds of attractive mementos.

For coffee lovers, this was a definite "must see" - and a great smelling pavilion as the coffee was being roasted. (CD #5 Set 9 #20)