The European Communities Pavilion’s architectural concept evokes the form of a diamond with multiple facets, symbolizing a Europe whose influence radiates under many and varied forms. Steel was chosen as the principle element to emphasize the step taken 16 years ago by six countries: Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxemburg and the Netherlands, which decided to replace age-old rivalries by a merger of essential interests. By forming the European Coal and Steel Community, they established the first common marker. In view of the success of this project, in 1957, the principle was extended to all products, and the European Community and the European Atomic Energy Community were born. As these Communities supply the driving power, Europe is being transformed: the six member countries form a vast economic area where customs barriers are being removed and people, goods and capital move as freely as if the Six were but one. To describe this common market of 180 million consumers from six countries and its association with Greece, Turkey and 19 newly independent African states is the role of the European Communities Pavilion.

The steel covering of the pavilion gave it a modern look, but the shiny surface made photography a challenge. (CD #2 Set 5 #12)