Air Canada's pavilion tells the story of
Man's mastery of the air, and in its architectural form seeks to express
the spirit of flight. The blades of the helical, or spiral roof extend 87
feet at the base and 18 feet at the peak from a 60-foot center support
column. They symbolize both flight and the fanning turbine blades of
today's jet engines. The helix has been utilized by man in many aspects
of his life from water pumps to art forms. Leonardo da Vinci sketched it
almost 500 years ago. Beneath the 23 cantilevered blades of the helical
roof nestle three cylindrical cells containing the exhibit areas and
telling with audio-visual and other effects the story of Man's conquest of
the air, from his first fanciful dream to the achievements of today. "The Dream" section of the display delves into
the subconscious origins of Man's will to fly and his gradual perception
of the various aspects of flight. "The Achievement" tells the story of flying
from early balloons and the first cumbersome gliders to the streamlined
forms of today's jets. "New Worlds" depict the impact of aviation's
conquest of time and geography upon Man and his World.